Kololaki Apour (Armenian Meatball Soup)


  • Meat
  • Bulgur or rice
  • Dried mint
  • A lemon
  • Tomato sauce
  • Pepper paste
  • Broth
  • An onion
  • Chickpeas (one can)
  • Butter


  • Mix & shape the meatballs with bulgur or rice. The meatballs should be rather small, about ¾-to-1-inch in diameter, and tightly packed. Wet your hands with water so the meatballs don’t stick to your palms.
  • For the broth, sauté a chopped onion 🧅 Add tomato sauce & a tbsp of pepper paste🥫, broth, and lemon 🍋 juice.
  • Add the can of chickpeas to the broth
  • Add the meatballs to the broth, stirring very carefully.
  • When the meatballs are cooked and float on the surface, the soup is ready.
  • Garnish with some dried mint. In a small pan, melt 1 tsp of butter and add 1 tsp of powdered mint and fry for a few seconds. Add to the soup.
  • Salt and pepper to taste. (1 tsp of Armenian red pepper, 1 tsp of allspice, 0.5 tsp of black pepper, a pinch of cumin).
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