Avelouki Aghtsan (Armenian Wild Sorrel Salad)

  • Add boiling water to wild sorrel and drain it twice.
  • Cut in small pieces and open up the braids.
  • To the pot of boiling water, add the pre-soaked and drained sorrel and cook for 10-15 minutes and then drain (you can keep the water for making soup).
  • Next, sauté chopped onions with butter or olive oil.
  • Add a tablespoon of flour to the onions and stir until the colour is golden.
  • Add the drained sorrel to the sautéed onions and stir well.
  • Add some salt, one clove of minced fresh garlic, and chopped walnuts to taste.
  • Garnish with pomegranate seeds or squeeze some lemon on it.
  • Serve hot or cold and enjoy.
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