Bazrkani (Armenian Shepherd’s Salad)


  • Green olives (beaten) – 300-400g
  • Onions, garlic, parsley, thyme
  • Olive oil- 1-2 big tbsp
  • Tomatoes 2-3
  • Tomato paste – 0,5 big tbsp
  • Pepper paste – 0,5 big tbsp
  • Chopped walnuts – 0,5 cup
  • Black and red peppers (minced)


  1. Cut the tomatoes, walnuts, parsley, onions and garlic into small pieces.
  2. Mix them and add the olives.
  3. Add black and red minced peppers, tomato paste, pepper paste, thyme and olive oil.
  4. Mix everything and voilà…ready to be served.
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